Hello Everyone, and Happy April!
For those who celebrate some of the diverse holidays this season brings us, I wish you Peace and Joy and Love. For those who don’t, I wish you Peace and Joy and Love! It’s just that simple! (Aren’t I boring?)
Here’s a snippet from my website – it’s the “About Lisa” page. Take a look and see if you can learn anything about me you may not already know!
So…….I’d like to talk a bit about Thoughts and Feelings.
This, if you don’t know already, is the basis of my coaching. The center of my Universe.
This is, no matter what the coaching topic, the core of everything.
Please take a moment to read this. I mean, really read it. Let it sink in.
Thoughts create our feelings.
The optional sentences in our brain create emotion in our body.
And then those emotions fuel our behaviors, the way that we show up in the world.
So the only reason we ever do something is because of the way that we feel.
And the only reason we feel a certain way is because of a thought that we’re telling ourselves…a thought we are indulging in.
And interacting with.
I LOVE this stuff! So brilliant!!
A thought can fuel positive or negative feelings.
From a positive feeling place, we produce. We produce wonderful results, make progress, and show up in the world creating what we want.
From a negative feeling place, we do not produce. Well, we do actually.
However, we produce the opposite of the results we want. We strip our power. We create NOT in the direction we want to go.
A negative thought……………..is just a thought error. We can change that. If it is not serving us.
Because we get to choose our thoughts. We get to shift. It is in our control.
You are in control. You get to choose your thoughts. You get to create your results.
Sounds simple, right? No, not really, because we most often are living with our default thoughts, our lazy thoughts.
This is what I teach and coach on and I welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you. It’s a fascinating way to live, an amazing skill to learn to manage your thoughts, and will literally change your entire life.
I offer you a FREE 45-minute call with me at any time. Just schedule in my calendar for a time that suits you.
I had mentioned a few weeks ago I was preparing for my first-ever podcast. I will be a guest this coming Monday, April 10th, on a show called “Living it Up – Loving it Up – Letting it Go”. We will be pre-recording this show, so no call ins will be available, but you will be able to listen the following week, as follows:
The show will air on Monday, April 17, 2023 at 5 pm ET / 4 pm CT.
The show airs at www.transformationtalkradio.com
To listen to the podcast or previous episodes, listeners can go to www.getrootedradio.com Get Rooted Radio Tab and go to ARCHIVES
Please continue to send me your thoughts and comments and let’s connect!
Have a fantastic day and go out there and enjoy this amazing life of yours!!
As always….. ~ Coach Lisa XOXO
“I love helping others up level their life and learn how to tackle their obstacles in a more self-loving and growing way. This is one of the many reasons I genuinely and to my core, love being a Life Coach”. ~ Coach Lisa
InCourage, ~ Lisa Christy XOXO Weight Loss and Life Coach InCourage Life Coaching