There’s so much to share this week and lots of exciting updates and changes in progress!!
First, I would like to address a question I was asked two weeks ago. I have no doubt many think it, too, but don’t ask.
A very dear friend of mine, sitting across from me at lunch at my favorite pizza place in Garden City, NY, asked, “So, what exactly does a Life Coach do? Why would I need a Life Coach? I mean, I imagine if I needed to learn how to do something, I could just learn it myself!”
So, so good, and such a juicy question. I love being asked this.
I replied to her, as follows:
“Of course, you and everyone can do anything by themselves. I 100% agree! I believe everyone has the potential to achieve anything. However, my clients seek me out and come to me because they have tried, and tried, and tried, and are utterly exhausted, or feel defeated, lost, or doubtful, and think they don’t know how to get “there” – to where they want to be. So they reach out to me for assistance. They are just about ready to give up, quit, and walk away.
And as their Life Coach, I show them HOW they already have everything they need, that NOTHING is truly going wrong, AND offer to be their cheerleader, per se, on their journey to their goal. I CAN and DO get them there. Always. We talk, clarify those goals, and they share all their beliefs about themselves by answering some very pointed questions I pose through and during our sessions.”
You see, when I ask a client questions to find out the WHY they want what they want, and the WHY they haven’t achieved it yet, it’s because their beliefs are mostly negative and self-defeating, and the fear, worry, confusion, or doubt they feel is ONLY because of their beliefs about themselves. THEY in themselves, and their thoughts, are the ONLY obstacles preventing them from getting to their goals.
And then, they often act out on their giving up and sometimes overeat or binge, over-drink, sleep excessively, get depressed, complain, join on-line forums and support groups to commiserate together for their limitations, and take several step backwards and away from what they want.
I continued on “I listen to what my clients tell me, and then reflect back to them what and how they think. I reflect right back to them exactly what they’ve shared with me. As a mentor, a Life Coach, it is my role, and my pleasure, to show them what they are thinking, and therefore, what they have been and are creating in their life, that they can’t see for themselves. They are missing “seeing” a major factor preventing the results they so desire.”
“When we are “in it”, it can be difficult to clearly see how we are contributing to our circumstance and experience. As their Life Coach, I reflect back to them what they said they think, what they said their beliefs are, and together we work through busting old beliefs that no longer serve them, and creating new mindsets to promote progress.”
And that, my friends, is what I do as a Life Coach, in a nutshell.
I do believe my friend understood, I do believe she appreciated the explanation, and I do believe she can 100% do it for herself. As I do believe for everyone.
And then, my clients find me when they don’t want to walk the walk by themselves. They want me, They need me. They trust me.
It’s quite a fascinating, fun, and life-changing process to work with a Life Coach.
And, yes, again, I 100% believe you, we, are all capable of and have the capacity to figure it out for ourselves. However, Life Coaches make it easier, quicker, and save you a whole lot of time.
Oh, and money. A Life Coach saves you money. Because all the money you spend researching, buying books, joining groups, classes, webinars, programs, etc. (add it up!) is way more than it costs to hire a Life Coach. Way more.
Anywho…………………please feel free to ask me questions if you still don’t understand what us Life Coaches do. I would love to answer you so you DO understand.
Moving on…………………
There are lots of new IG Reels I’ve posted these past weeks. Still learning. Still love it! Check them out here: IG REELS
Do you know I post them seven days every week? I am committed to sharing tips and tools with my followers and I’ve enjoyed writing and creating these little videos over the last eight months. It is seriously SO much fun!
I am working with my wonderful Business Coach, Simone, on updating my website. This is such an incredible learning process not only in the creation and design, but also for me personally in letting go of and leaving behind what I have had for over 12 years.
For a glimpse, check out my new page “Work With Me”. It is still a work in progress, as is my entire website. So very exciting, AND a little scary!
And lastly, speaking of letting go and leaving behind, I am choosing to appreciate all that was, and decide to say I am looking forward to the new. Sometimes when we think we are leaving something behind, it can create a feeling of sadness, grief, and sometimes even panic. We are letting go of, changing up, or moving on and away from something we are comfortable and familiar with. That safe place.
So, I am choosing to replace those thoughts, which truly don’t serve me in any way, with thoughts that are more empowering. Thoughts like, I am looking forward to what’s next, or I can’t wait to see how this evolves, or how exciting to be able to try something new and different. THOSE thoughts create more of a feeling of excitement and eagerness. And I always choose more empowering thoughts rather than thoughts that strip away my power.
So friends, as always, keep those sweet notes and comments coming. And I also welcome those notes with questions and comments so we can break bread and share our views. It’s all so good. It’s all so appreciated!!
Have an amazing week!
Now go out there and be the COURAGEOUS YOU, you are meant to be!!
~ Coach Lisa XOXO
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