We can all agree these past months of 2020 have been strange. We’ve had to learn to do many things differently. We’ve had to adjust to the demands the current status of our country has placed on us.
Some things seem like they truly suck while other things are an interesting twist and a rather cool change. We’ve also had to learn some new coping skills for each day and each different experience. We’ve had to decide if we want to “go with the flow” or stand in resistance and fear.
As hard as it may seem, we always in all ways get to choose how to greet each new day. It is ALWAYS our choice, unless we just decide to settle for the default setting and not get creative.
I, for one, always look for the path of “what will make me feel the best?” “What could make me feel good?” “What choice would be the most fun?” I try to never live by default, meaning, what we believe life just hands us.
Truly, these past months for me have been some of the best in my life. I’ve chosen to wake up each day knowing my ability to create my day. To create my reality. I’ve chosen to see this life I have as an unending adventure of possibilities.
I’ve also chosen to not watch the news or engage in any negative or hateful discussion or debate. I receive the information I need to stay informed. I’ve stepped back from relationships that were unhealthy. I surround my self and my days with that which uplifts, appreciates, and focuses on the greater good. I, 100% to my core, believe and know of one Divine Governance. This serves me well. This is the basis of my world. I am not afraid. I am not confused. I am sure.
We are all born with a knowing. Through childhood and into adulthood, through our experiences and those we surround ourselves with, we make choices on what we believe to be true. It is our right to choose. And in a moment of choice, we are always right. BUT, if you choose to live in fear and confusion and chaos and hate, you are missing out on so much, I’m sorry to say.
Over the next weeks our country will be undergoing a massive shift. It is clear, from the news, there is an incredible division of people and beliefs. We can surely believe what we believe and stand firm in that. However, it would be of beautiful, loving service to our country to also wake up each day and go to sleep each night knowing that the greater good will govern. Good always wins. Good always conquers. Whatever your “good” is, just “know” in your core and have faith (whether it is religious faith or intellectual faith), you, individual you, will be ok. If each of us practices just a tiny nugget of gentle knowing, imagine what the effect would be going out to the country and world. It would be powerful.
I pray every day for peace to prevail in the world. But, more importantly, for peace to prevail outside of me I have to make sure it wholeheartedly resides within me. In my heart and soul. That is my work. And then, and only then, can I really “see” all of the good outside of me. That is my divine-given choice. And boy oh boy, does it work.
All is well.
~ Lisa
If you would like to find a way to ease your mind and shift your thought to one of more peace and surety regarding any topic, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or make an appointment for a session at https://incouragelifecoaching.com/coaching-sessions.