What’s your excuse for overeating? Do you let what others say upset you? Do you have people in your life who do things to make you angry?
I overate because I used to get so upset and even depressed when I was excluded, not picked, picked on, or ignored.
Overeating = Weight Gain. 100%
If you’re like me and so many others, you overeat because some situation “causes” you to be frustrated, or overwhelmed, or angry.
This happened often well into my 40s. Then, I learned important skills so nothing anyone says or does affects me or my day anymore.
Here’s the breakdown………….
When you think a thought, THAT thought produces an emotion or a feeling. Emotion and feeling – same thing.
An emotion is only a vibration or sensation in your body.
For example, when someone says something like “you are not a good fit for this role”, you may think things like “I am not good enough” or “what an asshole they are!”. Those thoughts drive or produce a feeling of rejection, anger, insult.
And from that place of feeling THOSE emotions, any actions you take will not produce a very good result and could potentially ruin your day. THOSE emotions can consume you. And then you start consuming. Food. That you are not even hungry for.
People say and do things ALL the time.
When we stop reacting to others words or actions, our life improves significantly. We stop overeating and we easily lose weight.
I did it. I lost 30 pounds in 13 months. Easily. And I’m not done.
If you have a hard time losing weight, you are probably prone to overeating or eating when you aren’t even hungry. I can help you BIG TIME.
Want to learn this amazing skill?
Book your FREE 20-minute virtual call with me here and I can share with you one of the many secrets I teach for losing weight easily!
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