Last weekend I had an amazing conversation with one of my very favorite people in the entire world.
She asked me why I “limit” myself as a Life Coach and solely focus on Weight Loss.
This is a perfectly natural question to ask since most of my marketing focuses on stopping overeating and weight loss. Weight Loss IS one of the areas I am knowledgeable about and experienced with. I am also knowledgeable and experienced in numerous other areas.
Her question had me thinking and getting curious. Curious as to why she asked me this and curious as to whether others may think the same thing.
I wanted to share here some of my thoughts and a bit of how I responded to my friend.
The thought of “limited” is just that. A thought. It’s someone else’s thought about something. So, does that make it true?
I do not feel limited. I never had the thought that I was limiting myself. I only, and always, felt freedom in choosing my marketing niche.
So, I, for myself, do not feel limited.
And I also was curious if others may think the same thing, although I cannot, of course, know or control what anyone thinks.
However, I thought I would offer somewhat of an explanation further as to why I position my marketing around weight loss.
I, myself, have lost 35 pounds in the last 15 months, and am still on my journey and still in process. I love where I am right now and feel sexy, beautiful, and confident.
If you read the story of my food struggles on my newly updated website (that’s still in process, too!), you’ll understand the challenges I was experiencing when trying to find something that worked for me.
We tend to adapt to someone else’s way of doing something and for me, that just doesn’t work.
So, coming from a place of “overcoming” weight struggles and challenges, I AM an expert, truly, on how to lose weight. I like to say I am THE Coach who can take you to the goal you want.
My method is proven. My method is life changing. My method is not about restriction, deprivation, exercise, or right and wrong foods.
With that being said, with anything we are trying to recover from or “fix”, it is never ever JUST about that one issue.
Weight Loss is NOT JUST ABOUT THE WEIGHT. In fact, the weight is secondary to unraveling all the reasons WHY you are where you are.
A rocky relationship with a partner is NOT JUST ABOUT what you or the partner does or says.
A job or career you don’t enjoy is NOT JUST ABOUT the work, the people, the company.
Being scared or embarrassed to get up and sing at Karaoke is NOT JUST ABOUT you being afraid or insecure. (Haha, this is a good one, right?)
So as a Life Coach, yes, of course, I am also an expert at coaching on self-confidence, relationships (with others and with ourselves), family dynamics, career/job, and a multitude of other topics.
And it always comes back to the same thing. And that same thing is the way we process the thoughts we CHOOSE to think about what people say, what people do, our experiences, how we were raised, our beliefs about the world and ourselves, and so on and so on.
Think about it.
Just pause briefly and take stock of your life.
Is everything exactly how you want it to be? Do you feel what you want but don’t have, is out of reach? Do you ever ask why you think that?
What is stopping you from reaching any goal?
It is ALWAYS your thoughts about a goal. Your thoughts and beliefs about yourself. Your doubts, fears, overwhelm, etc. It is only, always, about the thoughts we think. And those thoughts we CHOOSE to think then create a feeling, an emotion. THAT is the formula.
So, as in weight loss, it’s the same for any aspect of your life you’d like to improve, or to use the new trendy term – up level.
There is usually nothing stopping you, truly, from achieving anything except you. Did you hear that? YOU are the only obstacle to achieving anything.
I have had clients come to me with fear of ageing, with wanting to change careers or jobs, with the desire to create a business, with strengthening their relationship with their children, with divorce, with stopping over drinking, and so on, and so on.
Only two of my clients in the last 3 years have come to me specifically for weight loss and even then, the topic shifted to something completely different and the weight loss became secondary. (They did lose the weight they wanted, by the way, but that was the result of all of the “other” obstacles being uncovered, unblocked, and resolved, too.)
So, my role as a Life Coach is to unravel and uncover those obstacles. No matter what the topic.
My clients come to me because they see or hear something in my marketing that speaks to them. An open, intelligent mind will be able to look beyond (intellectually and perhaps intuitively) and gather some nugget that they can relate to.
My clients come to me because they understand where I’ve been. My clients come to me because they vibe with my energy. My clients trust me.
Through questions, discussions, laughter, tears, and gentle yet firm coaching (guiding), you WILL find out what is the TRUE cause of why you haven’t accomplished what you would like to. And you will find it out quickly.
And then, you, we, together, shift and re-direct your false premise which has been guiding you (with no positive results), to one that is better suited for who you are today and where you want to go, with the absolute result of getting to your desired goal.
You get to design and command a new path forward. You get to be the creator of your future. You get to decide based on YOUR decisions, not the decisions and beliefs of anyone else or anything in the past.
You become empowered so you can now live a fuller life.
So, I hope that answers any questions you may have had, too.
I loved that my friend brought this up. And I LOVED the meaty, in-depth, and loving discussion that followed. And I loved how curious I got with myself regarding how I position my marketing.
I am so happy to be doing what I do. I am so committed to helping as many as possible achieve a life of their dreams.
I am so happy to be here for you.
As always, please continue to send me your thoughts and comments and let’s connect! Get curious!!
I offer you a FREE 45-minute call with me at any time. Just schedule in my calendar for a time that suits you.
Have a fantastic day and go out there and enjoy this amazing life of yours!!
As always….. ~ Coach Lisa XOXO
“I love helping others up level their life and learn how to tackle their obstacles in a more self-loving and growing way. This is one of the many reasons I genuinely and to my core, love being a Life Coach”. ~ Coach Lisa
InCourage, ~ Lisa Christy XOXO Weight Loss and Life Coach InCourage Life Coaching
#bestversionofourselves #lifegoalsinprogress #lifecoachtips #lifecoachadvice #bekindtoyourself💜 #innerjourney #thoughtscreatereality #selfcarehelp #loveyourselfalways #transformyourmindset