What does “allowing” mean to you?
You allow someone to have your attention?
You allow a partner to touch you?
You allow a new friend to get to know you?
You don’t allow someone to speak unkindly towards you? (hopefully)
Generally, we think allowing is something we give to someone else. We allow or we don’t allow someone to do something.
In this context, allowing is almost like giving permission, granting access, being in control of what happens next.
And this is so true in that we get to make our choice of whom, when, and how we interact with others.
“I won’t allow you to speak to me like that!”
“I will allow you to be a member of our organization.”
But, what if “allowing” had a totally different meaning? What if “allowing” had nothing to do with anyone else but you?
What if the only one you ever have to allow again, is just you?
This, my friends, is an extremely powerful superpower to add to your tool belt.
Here’s how it works…………….
Your partner forgets to do something they said they would do, that you were expecting them to do, because they said they would.
You can choose so many thoughts here to think about that, some of which could be:
– My partner never does anything they say they will/they are so unreliable
– If my partner really loved me, they would do what they say
– I guess I’m not a priority in this relationship
You see how our brain can work? It will typically feed us crappy thoughts like this that we, indeed, think are true because it feels so true.
And when we believe these thoughts our brain feeds us, we end up feeling unloved, disrespected, sad, angry, and so on and so on.
So, and stick with me here,………………..our partner did something (or didn’t, in this case), and we have a thought about it, and that thought drives an emotion.
And from there any action taken will be from that emotional feeling place and will not yield a good result at all.
Because when we think a crappy thought (one that doesn’t serve us or soothe us), we then feel a crappy emotion, and then we will have a crappy experience.
There is no way around it.
HOWEVER, we get to choose our thoughts because our thoughts are optional.
Here’s how that would go………………..
(Same scenario)
Your partner forgets to do something they said they would do, that you were expecting them to do, because they said they would.
(Here’s where you have the option to choose your own thoughts instead of believing what your brain feeds you………………)
– My partner is really busy so I can easily do that thing myself
– I can talk to my partner and let them know how grateful I am whenever they help me
– I can put my arms around my partner and share the love I have for them, in that moment, just because it feels good to love them
So, you might think they’ll be getting away with something and need to be told what they did?
OR, you can think it’s not a big deal and I’m not going to “get my knickers in a twist” over something so unimportant.
This last piece, is called ALLOWING.
For in that moment of decision to choose a thought that is soothing and serves you so much better, YOU, my friend, are 100% ALLOWING YOUR WELL-BEING.
YOU are ALLOWING your natural state of joy and happy and peace to keep flowing.
YOU are not ALLOWING anything outside of yourself to topple your emotional state.
No one, and nothing ever truly has any power over us to create a negative emotion within us. It is only, AWAYS, our choice in how we think about what they did or said.
When we choose to allow our complete well-being, that is, when we choose to not blame another for our emotional state we are ALWAYS in complete control of our experience, our results, an outcome, our life.
We are ALWAYS in control of our life. We are ALWAYS in control of ALLOWING our complete well-being.
When we choose thoughts that do not serve us, we give up that control, that power, and we have, thus, created an experience we truly do not prefer.
Do you know how truly powerful you are? That you have complete control over the thoughts you think? That you have complete control over the emotions you feel?
That you have complete control over what and how you experience your life?
Well, you do. I am here to tell you, you absolutely, positively, 100% do.
When you allow your well-being, your life will reflect the experience you would like, the results you want, and you will manifest, truly, a life of your dreams.
BECAUSE you have dreamt it and you are the creator of your life.
I would love to chat more with you on this subject or any. Visit this link and schedule a FREE Consultation with me today. Or feel free to reach out with an Email to chat, at any time.
I can’t wait to connect with you!
With Love,
~ Coach Lisa