Let’s talk about GOALS.
Do you have any? If you’re like me, I bet you have many.
Are you clear on how to reach them? Or are they all jumbled up in your head, you think about them a lot, but make little, slow, or no progress?
Have you had the results you want?
Do you try something, carry out a few small actions and then lose interest?
Do you try over and over and over again only to hit a wall and completely walk away?
Did you know whatever goals you have (weight loss, relationship, career….to name a few), you are going to fail along the way?
(Oh, the horror!!!)
Failing, is actually a normal and expected part of the human experience.
Have you ever failed?
When you fail once or twice, do you walk away and give up?
What story do you tell yourself about why you’ve failed?
WHAT IF after 10 fails, you reached success?
WHAT IF you understood, from a deeper emotional level, that failing is part of the process to reach your goals?
WHAT IF instead of quitting and walking or running away, you kept going from a place of empowerment, and achieved a goal?
Do you even know what that is or what that feels like?
Recovering from your fails requires help. A cheerleader. A Coach.
You can recover from your fails, easily and quickly, so you are able to, with confidence, emotional maturity, and a clear vision, continue on the path to reach whatever goals and results you want.
Your goals and your successes are merely at your fingertips and well within your reach.
Ask me how I can help get you there.
~ Coach Lisa XOXOXO
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