No Success at Weight Loss? Here are some questions you can ask yourself………
What’s on your food plan for today? Do you even have a food plan?
What are you hungry for? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Do you eat all three meals daily?
Why do you eat them? Because you’ve been told this is the way we eat?
Were you told to clean your plate when you were a child?
Were you told there are starving children in the world and food should not be wasted?
Do you eat because you’re hungry or do you eat to stuff down feelings? Do you even know the difference?
These are fascinating questions to explore. These are some of the reasons we OVEREAT.
And you know what? OVEREATING leads to weight gain. It’s as simple as that.
What were the reasons you ate the way you did growing up and, perhaps, continue to do so now as an adult?
I’m here to tell you there is a definite and easy way to tell if you are REALLY hungry.
I’m also here to tell you, you do not HAVE TO eat if you are not hungry.
I’m also here to tell you it’s ok to leave some food on your plate when you have had enough. I do it every day.
Here’s a bit of my journey…………………..
I lost 30 pounds in the last 14 months and am still losing (my ultimate goal is 50 lbs. total). I was able to lose easily and gently once I understood how I was sabotaging myself.
It wasn’t about the food. Or anything outside of me. No, ma’am.
It was about the thoughts I had about myself and how they were hurting me and hindering my progress. My thoughts were creating the most uncomfortable emotions.
I tried every diet and counted calories, or carbs, or macros. I joined gyms. I bought a treadmill.
It was often exhausting and confusing and was met with defeat…….ultimately.
I tried and tried and tried. I researched. I went to groups. I went online for support to see if there were others like me. (After all, when we are in the midst of our problems, we think we are the only ones going through them.)
I quit more times that I can count. Nothing was working. I was hungry all the time. Or was I?
All I know was I was so unhappy and was finding comfort in all the wrong places. (Yeah, like my fridge.)
But……………once I learned how to shift my mindset and manage my thoughts, the weight began coming off.
Easily. Very easily actually. I didn’t feel like quitting.
Managing your mind and the thoughts you “feed yourself” is a brilliant skill. A skill that can be learned.
Let me help you.
InCourage and with Love,
Your Life Coach,
~ Lisa Christy