Do you want to finally feel confident, connected and secure in your own skin?
Are you fed up with being a slave to your weight and food? Jumping at every moment to make sure you’re doing it all “right”? Feeling at the mercy of your thoughts and emotions?
Are you ready to lose 10, 20, 50 or more pounds EASILY?
EASILY, meaning: – giving yourself the grace and space to learn new concepts – giving yourself permission to fail – being willing to gently release false beliefs about you, your past, or about other people, that do not serve you – learning how to love yourself completely now AND embrace the future you – knowing that the best version of you is waiting and ready and capable and worthy of achieving everything you want – realizing that an impossible goal is completely possible
Are you ready to dive deep and understand thoughts and emotions and how they have been the reason and continue to contribute to the results in your life?
Get started now with your FREE first call: https://calendly.com/lisachristycalendar/free45minuteminisession
With brains that are prone to overthinking and anxiety and self doubt, it’s no wonder we have challenges with losing weight.
We feel so scared of not fitting in, not being accepted, or even not being loved that we make choices that don’t serve us and we end up sabotaging any progress we’ve made. One step forward and then two steps back. We are actually sometimes going in reverse! It can keep us in a constant state of overwhelm.
But imagine if you could live your life feeling completely okay. Feeling completely confident and sure footed with your choices. Feeling connected to others but more importantly….to yourself.
Imagine if your mood didn’t have to change based on what you ate or chose not to eat.
And what if you knew YOU were in charge of your emotional life 100% of the time and not controlled by any urge or false hunger pang or craving?
Through private 1:1 Zoom coaching sessions with me, you’ll learn how to become friends with your brain, how to understand your current thinking patterns and emotions, and most importantly how to change them so you can achieve the results you want.
AND so you can finally feel CONFIDENT, CONNECTED and SECURE with yourself in all of your choices.
See what my clients are saying and then return to this page! https://incouragelifecoaching.com/client-testimonials
So, are you ready to get started?
Enroll now: https://buy.stripe.com/5kA4hlbimfCu2VW5kl
The 12-Week Program includes:
– Narrowing down your Goal and clarifying your WHY
– Understanding the 4 Basic Foundations for Weight Loss
– Understanding Hunger Cues
– Understanding Eating until “Enough”
– Failing for your Progress
– Food Protocols and Plans
– Urges
– The myth of GOOD and BAD foods
– Building Confidence in food choices
– Learning and practicing Mindset and Thought Work Tools
– Understanding how your Thoughts produce your results
– 45-Minute Private One-On-One Coaching Session each week via Zoom
– Accountability Check-ins
– One quickie text session each week
– Access to Group Q & A sessions
– Results. Results. Results. You will see results, not only with your weight, but in the way you look at things, the way you think about things, and the way you work through things. Your life will be forever changed. You will become the best version of yourself!
….and so much more!
Ready to get started? Click here to book your first call: https://calendly.com/lisachristycalendar/free45minuteminisession
This Program is chock full with everything you will need to Stop Overeating and Lose Weight.
Contact me today for more information. Let’s get started!
Click the link BELOW to set up your FREE 20-minute Zoom Consult where I will explain how to feel better about yourself NOW, love yourself and be patient fully NOW, take some steps NOW toward achieving your GOAL, and even clarify a goal that you’ve wanted for so long, This will be the BEST 20-minutes you can spend for today and you will leave our call with a few golden nuggets on how to begin on your path toward your goal.
Click the link here to schedule your FREE 45-minute Consult: https://calendly.com/lisachristycalendar/free45minuteminisession
My intention is to work with as many of you as possible and help you progress forward to reach the goals you would like to achieve.
I welcome you to reach out to me to discuss this life-changing Program. I cannot wait to answer any questions you may have.
I am so excited to make this work for everyone who would like to evolve and become the best version of themselves.
Payment Plans are available. Paying in full offers 15% off enrollment price.
So let’s get this started. today! In just 3 months – that’s only 12 weeks – your Life will be up leveled beyond your imagination. (But not beyond MY imagination because I believe you are worthy and capable of achieving everything you desire.)
Get started now with your FREE first call: https://calendly.com/lisachristycalendar/free45minuteminisession
Also feel free to email me at [email protected] so we can discuss any options that work best for you. I want to hear what you need in order to make this Program happen for you!