ARE YOU ENOUGH? Smart enough? Thin enough?? Here I share a snippet of my personal journey.
Our beliefs about ourselves often present themselves as facts. But really, they are simply our thoughts about our past experiences based on our perceptions. These “complicated” narratives about ourselves are the root cause of our lack of self-confidence.
And this fundamental lack of confidence shows up way too often in our lives.
This is what my clients come to me for. They don’t believe that they are good enough to have what they want.
They don’t believe that they are smart enough, talented enough, thin enough, or lovable enough.
Whatever they may be thinking they’re not “enough” of…these negative narratives certainly don’t serve us.
Does this sound like you?
This was me for years and years until I received coaching and learned skills to turn my negative thoughts and BS beliefs into a more gentle and positive way to approach life and look at things.
I became a Life Coach and this was one of the reasons why.
To know and feel I am “enough”. To know and feel I fit in. To know and feel I am worthy. And loved. And capable. In ALL things.
Today I know 100% I am all these things. I do not doubt it for a second.
I am a confident, worthy, and very capable woman and I am a successful Life Coach and my clients are achieving the same working with me.
Click here to schedule a FREE 20-minute Zoom Consult where I will explain exactly how you can become the best version of yourself: https://calendly.com/lisachristycalendar/free20-minutediscoverysession