Bottom line is……..if you don’t have a great relationship with yourself, you will NEVER have a great relationship with anyone else.
That’s a hard fact statement and it might hurt. But, everything outside of you is always 100% a reflection of what’s going on inside of you. Have you heard the saying, “you attract what you reflect”?
Do you blame others?
Do you criticize others?
Do you judge others?
Do you tell others what to do?
If you answered YES to any of the above, do you know WHY?
We believe others should be and do what we think they should. We have a MANUAL for others which dictates how they SHOULD behave.
If they don’t behave the way we think they should, it causes a negative feeling within us. Think about that for a moment.
Does this sound like you?
Truly friends, this is the biggest LIE you could ever tell yourself.
You are not and have never been in charge of how anyone else shows up in this world. Where did you learn to believe that was true? There is no MANUAL you could ever write that would control how another shows up for you or anyone else.
Right now, you must STOP BLAMING, CRITICIZING, BOSSING AROUND or JUDGING OTHERS and take responsibility for the thoughts you’re thinking, because those thoughts are ALWAYS the reason for your suffering.
That is it.
I can help you stop. I can help you have the best relationships ever, starting with the relationship you have with yourself.
It’s not rocket science. But it is a skill.
Yes, I can help. Yes, I know how. Yes, I will show you how.
Email me at [email protected] or schedule a free virtual Zoom consult here: https://linktr.ee/incouragelifecoaching
Let’s do this!
#emotionalawareness #relationshipskills #loveyourselfjourney