We have to have hard conversations.
We have to make difficult decisions.
We have to perform and complete a hard task.
When our first thought is “this feels so hard!” (and please listen for your whine in that!), we are actually stating a thought, about that thing, we have to do.
Doing anything in itself is not hard. However, thinking it’s hard creates a whole set of drama. Thinking about how difficult something is, makes it difficult.
Think about it. Say “this is so hard”! (There’s that annoying whine again!) How does that make you feel?
Perhaps you feel dread, fear, doubt, lack of confidence, etc.?
Doing something in itself is not hard. It may be new. It may take some time. It may even be a little uncomfortable.
And, my friends, discomfort and the feeling of uncomfortable, is THE WORST that can actually happen. And then, you practice the amazing skill of processing the discomfort.
That is ALL that is happening. Nothing is “so hard!!!”
However, when we choose (and it’s ALWAYS your choice) to put so much “hard” thought to it, then the thing we need to do, becomes a very negative experience. YOU CREATE THAT. Every time.
Imagine what you can create if you choose a more gentle, positive thought. Goals. Results. Weight Loss. A wonderful relationship.
It’s all in your hands, my friends. Every time.
#itssohard #thoughtscreatereality #canidothis