I’d like to make you an offer. I’d like to offer you an opportunity to uplevel your life.
Do you have a problem you can’t seem to work through on your own?
I’d like to help you. I CAN help you.
Is it weight loss?
Is it a goal you just can’t seem to achieve?
Is it a relationship with another or yourself?
I am here to take you on an amazing, personal journey of discovery.
I am here to get you results.
I am available to show, tell, and teach you:
- that you will lose weight and stop overeating, for sure…..but it will be about so much more.
- that you will reach a goal or two….but it will be about so much more.
- that you will improve a relationship with another AND with yourself…..but it will be about so much more.
We think our problems are THE issue. However, when you get down and dirty you will find there are reasons we have the problem in the first place. The truth is…….the only reason is you.
You will learn why you have made and continue to make the choices you do, which ultimately create the results you now have. You will learn to make the best choices to support what you would like to achieve.
I will guide you. I will teach you. I will coach you. I will hold your hand. I will be your cheerleader. BUT I will NEVER tell you what to do. I will show you how to access your own knowing to make the changes and get the results you want.
My offer for you is customized, powerful, doable, exciting, and gentle work with me as your Personal Life Coach, walking side-by-side with you every week to get you the results you want. Every week we will meet on Zoom at a time that fits your schedule. Every week I will provide you with tools, insights, and results-oriented guidance. You WILL see results early on.
I cannot lose your weight. I cannot make your relationships better. I cannot achieve your goals. HOWEVER, I undoubtedly know YOU can do this. I 100% believe you have the intelligence and capacity to get the results you desire. I 100% believe you will be delighted and surprised and forever-changed-for-the-better as I show you what you are able to achieve.
There is so much included in this offer for you. The amount of value and content will astound you. I want the opportunity to tell you about it all.
I invite you to attend a free, 45-minute, one-on-one Zoom Consultation with me so I can share what is waiting for you.
Take the first step of discovery. Email me at [email protected] or schedule your free consultation today at https://calendly.com/lisachris…/free-one-hour-consultation.
We’ve got this!
Lisa Christy
Certified Personal Life Coach
InCourage Life Coaching