ALERT: This is a selfish “I Love” rant. (do not proceed if you are allergic to rainbows, flowers, and whiskers on kittens)
I Love.
I love hugs and I love hugging. It feels so good to share love in that way.
I love making music with my bandmates. It is a very fun sandbox to play in.
I love connecting with others. A moment in time. Or a string of moments. Those times of deep sharing are priceless and beautiful.
I love laughing. I love being around people who make me laugh. I love the funny memes and videos shared on social media.
I love my body. I love what it can do. I love how smart it is. I love how it lets me know when I should not eat something I have, or when I’m pushing it too hard. I love how it responds very quickly to what I’m thinking and reminds me when to clean up a negative thought.
I love God, the Universe, my Father and Mother who art in heaven. I feel safe. I feel sure footed. I feel loved. I feel guided. I love knowing all is well.
I love the anticipation and excitement of looking forward to things. There is so much to look forward to!
I love my friends. Patient. So kind and lovely. Deep thinkers. Positive energy and zero drama. Sharing who they are. Interested in who I am. Old and new. Loving the intimate conversations.
I love my husband. Funny and so witty. Gives me deep, big belly laughs. Has the best hugs. I love the life we share and continue to create.
I love sunshine. I love peonies. I love lobster and butter and ice cream. I love my job and I love working from home.
I love how I know clearly what feels good and what doesn’t. I love what I like and love what I don’t.
I love my intentions. I love knowing who I am. I love who I have become. I love the process of ever-evolving. I love how open I am to new experiences. I love trusting the process of my life unfolding.
I love cleaning out my closet and passing on to others the clothes and little treasures I know longer connect with.
I love my doggie Bella. I love her kind and gentle nature. I love her expressive face.
I love seeing and experiencing “real” beauty in people, places, and things. I love that I can see beneath the superficial and sometimes ugly and unkind surface. I love that I choose to. I love that I choose how and when to engage.
I love choice. I love freedom.
I love my mom. One of the most lovely women to grace this planet. Kind. Open to growing. Fun and cute and silly. Patient. SO patient.
I love reading. A little late in life to enjoy the hobby, and such a wonderful and momentary escape to amazing places and moments in history.
I love the people I get to socialize with and have brief or expanded experiences with. Every smile, every glance, every story shared is cherished and remembered.
I love loving. I love feeling fully every emotion at any given time and sometimes many at once.
I love being a feeling, courageous, intelligent and sensitive woman. Never perfect, but always intending to be excellent.
I Love.