“Tend to your Happy”
Happy New Year!
Happy old year. Happy day today. Happy day tomorrow.
Happy is. Happy is an inside job. Happy just is.
So then why do so many feel an outside circumstance, another person, or world event can topple their happy? Do you believe happy is so fragile and fleeting and can come and go in an instant? Or do you believe happy just IS part of your being, your birthright, your god-given foundation and your work is to maintain and “water” your happy? Tending to your happy garden.
There are millions of different emotions we can feel at any given moment and we can also feel many emotions at the same time. I tend to feel my emotions when they come up and then I tend to each one – to either work through it at my own pace (when I am feeling bad) or hold onto it and milk it (when I am feeling good). But just like the sun is always shining, is always there, even if it is hidden by clouds, I believe happy is always there at the core of our being and for me personally, it is my personal work to always keep the happy uncovered and blooming. The bar is set.
I’ve heard so many people say “I can’t wait for 2020 to be over!”, or “2021 will be so much better!”. You do realize you bring your same self from one moment of time to the next unless you choose to have a different perspective on the things you want to be better, right? The world outside may change and yes, hopefully for the better always. But it is always your choice regarding the perspective you choose for anything going on outside of you. Or inside of you.
If you can just allow yourself the gift of a shift, just a bit, to a lighter, more positive and brighter perspective on ANY subject, you will be tending to your happy. Self-care at its finest!
There’s a lot from 2020 I could say I am not grateful for. BUT why would I do that to myself and focus on what I don’t prefer? Why would I feed that?
Do you know how focusing on what you don’t prefer and what makes you feel not good can age you, make you ill, make you choose foods that inflate or deplete you, make you angry, bring you pain, and generally make you not feel good about yourself. Is that how you plan to live your Happy New Year?
Just try it – try just to focus on what you DO prefer, what DOES make you feel good. Just take a moment at a time. Try it. For 60 seconds. What AM I grateful for? What DOES make me feel good? Tend to that happy!!!! Watch your happy garden grow and grow. Choose that every day and see the Happy New Year you actually can have. What a loving gift to yourself and those around you.
As always in all ways, it is your individual choice on what you feed and tend to. My perspective is mine and it works for me. It works for my clients. It works for those in my inner circle. You get to choose your path. You get to choose your version of happy.
Yes, indeed!! Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
If you would like to find a way to ease your mind and shift your thought to your happy and one of more peace and surety regarding any topic, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or make an appointment for a session at https://incouragelifecoaching.com/coaching-sessions.