“Everything, good or bad, is a life lesson. – Everyone you meet, everything you encounter, etc. – they’re all part of the learning experience we call ‘life.’ Never forget to acknowledge the lesson, especially when things don’t go your way. If you don’t get a job that you wanted or a relationship doesn’t work, it only means something better is out there waiting. And the lesson you just learned is the first step towards it. Remember, there are no mistakes, only lessons. Love yourself, trust your choices, remember what you deserve, and keep pushing forward.”
This quote popped up in my Facebook Memories for today. I am not sure who said it (probably Esther Hicks aka Abraham because I devour everything Abraham says!), but it is as relevant today as when I first read it in 2013.
If it looks, smells, feels, or acts in an unappealing way, the GOOD news is we can immediately (or when we’re ready to) unsee it or undo it, and in that red-hot moment make a choice to shoot out what we DO desire. Everything we don’t prefer causes inside of us a rocket of desire to shoot out which proclaims “I prefer this! I desire this!” We get to choose what feels good. We get to choose what we prefer. Saying “I don’t like this, but I DO like this” is the perfect, easiest way to participate in all we DO enjoy. Building blocks and stepping stones to what feels good.
If we choose something or participate in something or buy something we don’t end up really, truly wanting, we have NOT made a mistake. Did you hear that? There are NO mistakes!! Never ever. We just get to choose again. And because we CLEARLY know what we don’t want, now we know even more clearly what we DO want. I LOVE THIS!!
It’s a process of sifting and sorting through all we do and don’t want and choosing, for ourselves, what feels best. What feels good. What feels exciting and wonderful. It’s really so easy.
Remember, it’s always your choice. Always, in all ways. Every moment. Every day. It’s your choice. You get to pick. If it doesn’t feel good, embrace THAT choice and then point towards the choice that does feel good. Mistakes? Never!
This is my daily practice. Sometimes I go off track. But guess what? Then I get to choose the perfect moment for me to go forward towards what I do prefer and want. YAY!!!!! I love the freedom to choose!
Always, in all ways!
Sending love to all,