There is so much information being shared on Social Media and the flow of often conflicting information doesn’t seem to be slowing down.
Whether it be the reported news, friends or family posts, and the numerous discussion threads, our mind can literally spin from browsing all of the comments.
Information is useful when it answers a question you have, or when you’re unclear about a particular topic.
It’s always our individual choice how we interpret information. Do we “take it with a grain of salt”? Do we trust the information source? Do we swing with the majority thought of our family, friends, religion, or political party? Do we feel bad and sad because our peers do? Is that what “going through this together” means to you?
How do you personally interpret the information you receive and read or view? How do you yourself choose to feel about a topic?
So many are posting about their struggles during this crazy period in time. And it is certainly different and unlike anything most of us have ever experienced, for sure! Many are confused, frightened, unsure, sad, and angry, just to name a few emotions.
Many are also posting about their optimism, their hopes, their dreams, their positive accomplishments, or their love of another. They are expressing feelings of joy, of love, of appreciation, of excitement, of creativity, of ease or eagerness, just to name a few emotions.
So are you struggling if you feel joy? Are you struggling if you express love? Are you struggling if you share laughs with another? I personally don’t see or feel the struggle in any of that, do you?
So then why do we choose to even use the word struggle? As often as we struggle, are we not striving more to thrive and feel good? What good does a word like struggle do for us or for the world at all? It’s so negative, such a downer, and really not the right way to describe a situation. I mean, we may struggle in a moment, but why would anyone want to prolong a struggle? What we really want is to thrive. Ooooh, doesn’t that sound so much more positive and appealing!
We are all experiencing so many emotions during this time. (Just a reminder, though, we always feel many emotions. Not just during a pandemic.)
Struggle = The definition of struggling is fighting, or having difficulty working through obstacles to achieve a goal.
Thrive = To progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances.
Does it make you feel best to say you’re struggling? Does it make you feel like you are in solidarity with others? Do you really need to feel like you’re stuck in a difficult situation? Is this really what you want to say?
Or does it make you feel best to know that progress is being made? Every second, every minute, and every day, you are using your intelligence, wisdom, and maybe outside positive guidance to make a difficult situation better? You are moving forward. There’s momentum in that. Gives YOU the power so no one else is dictating how you feel or think.
Which feels better to you? It is your choice. It’s always your choice on how to see things. Just remember, what you put out into this world, is what you will get back. Every time.
Much love to you,