🥂 🌺 ☀️ 💕 As 2019 winds down today, I am thinking about how fast the days went by this year – time seems to be speeding up. It’s crazy to think about because time is a constant. The clock ticks don’t change.
An article I read recently stated that mind time and clock time are two totally different things. They flow at varying rates. Time is happening in the mind’s eye. It is related to the number of mental images the brain encounters and organizes and the state of our brains as we age. When we get older, the rate at which changes in mental images are perceived decreases because of several transforming physical features, including vision, brain complexity, and later in life, degradation of the pathways that transmit information. And this shift in image processing leads to the sense of time speeding up.
The author also notes we’re not entirely prisoners of time. The clocks will continue to tick strictly, days will go by on the calendar, and the years will seem to fly by ever faster. The author advises that by sleeping well and living clean, our perceptions can be altered and, in some sense, slows down mind time. Kind of heavy stuff if you think too deeply about it. 😱
What I take away most, though, is to, indeed, try to live a cleaner life – in body, in thought, and in word. There’s nothing wrong with and everything right with trying to do better. For yourself. Within yourself. I certainly wouldn’t mind things slowing down, too…..just a bit. 😂
It’s been an amazing and awe-inspiring year for me, for sure. A year filled with “Ouches” and “Oys”. A year filled with pain and beauty. A year of union and separation. A year of letting go and moving forward. 2019 has definitely been a fantastic one! Colorful. Magical. Illuminating. Inspiring.
I thank my friends, my family, and most of all God for all of the lessons placed in my path, for the love bestowed on me, for the blessings and joys, and the pie-in-your-face revelations. A group effort of sorts!!! 😂 🙌🏻
I wish for myself and all of us in this bright New Year, this sparkly new decade, more kind words to ourselves and each other. More patience for ourselves and each other. More compassion for ourselves and one another.
This world needs our collective Peace thinking and I wish 2020 to be a slower unfolding for each of us individually, in our own beautiful, unique way, of lifting each other up from within our own hearts. It’s a quiet knowing from deep within us, and a beautiful, special, silent gift to give.
Happiest of Peaceful New Years to you all! So much love, Lisa XOXOXO 💕